The users of social networks are forced to use the
services of shortening links including on Twitter to get more characters for the
tweet. But the concern that raise a lot of these services is that a lot of users
who clicked on these hidden links in the shortcuts do not know where this leads,
which calls into question the safety of the users on these networks. To remedy
this situation the users have to go through the applications whose security is
proven or other services that can verify the destination of links without having
to click it.
1° longurl This is a site that allows its users to discover the
site of destination to which leads the shortened link before use.
2° urlxray A nice application that can reveal the links long who
hide behind the shortcuts links. You can click through the following on the true
3° sucuri A free service for putting us in security and away from
the risk of malware that are hiding behind a few shortcuts. It allows you to
discover the true link.
4° urlex Another free application, quick and easy to discover the
real links of shortcuts to not be victim of the virus or sites of scam.
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